Living the Faith
By being a student entrenched in Christian teaching, our students have the opportunity to incorporate their faith into their daily life at school. It is expected for all students to fully participate in all faith development activities. Students also have a responsibility to take the goals and values that are taught in our classrooms and practice them in our community. Our students should not be practicing Christians from 7:55 AM to 3:30 PM exclusively; they should be practicing their faith every day of their lives.
The Living the Faith program at Lindsay Academy is designed to give our students the opportunity to practice their faith by doing acts of Christian charity and attending retreats to further develop their relationship with Christ.
It is the hope of Lindsay Academy that the good works that the students do during their school years will be continued into their adult lives. Another goal of the program is to teach our students that they do not need to receive monetary rewards for doing good deeds, that what really matters in their lives is service of God and neighbor. Each student at Lindsay Academy will be required to serve at least 50 hours of service and full participation into faith development activities for the Living the Faith Program during his or her high school years. Service hours shall take place outside of the home. The students need to go beyond the home and help with the needs of the community, state, and nation in which they live.